They provide only the most nutritious and ecologically sound food at low cost, they maintain the air and water without supervision from pesky government bureaucrats, they make their money the old fashioned way, they earn it by crashing the economy and foreclosing on the suckers who used to have jobs, they run the coal mines with a safety record second to none, their honor and valor exceeds that of the troops they work beside overseas, they promote the finest American ideas of democracy and individual rights unlike those evil communists we defeated who thought power should be concentrated in the hands of a few and everyone else must be poor to be equal. We are the shining light of freedom, democracy, peace, brotherly love and ecologically friendly light bulbs made in China. What we have here folks is a corporate utopia. In Michigan they are about to get the authority to take power from elected officials and rule at the pleasure of the governor.
Benjamin Barber, "Privatization is not about limiting government; it is about terminating democracy."
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